Friday, July 4, 2008

Hey Hey We're the Monkeys

Okay it is late on Friday and everyone has either left for home or off for fun this weekend...Stine is painting our "mark" on the Home Base wall (and so is Luke) and Jakob is hanging out...

So anyway - a quick video of a group of monkeys we encountered in a hike near Arenal:


Anonymous said...

Hi Jakob,
are you having fun? I was wondering if you guys could take a picture of a lizard or gecko and send it to me? I liked the pictures of the poisonous frog and snake. They were cool. I liked your little friend Mario too. I'll see you when you get back.
your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,
this is Chad. Have you seen anymore giant flies? If you do run really fast! I don't want you to be eaten alive! Are you going to bring a monkey home with you? That would be cool. We could name it Paul. When you get home we'll practice some jumping rope together. Have a safe trip home.
your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hello Stine, Chris, Jakob, and Luke,

Whew! Morten and I just caught up on ALL the blogs. Morten and I were thinking of you today and I suddenly remembered about your blog site. WOW, it sounds like you have had a fantastic and unforgettable experience. How exciting! Stine, kudos for hanging in there, I know you were a little worried at first. Not so bad, right? This is an invaluable experience for your whole family, and also for the children you are helping. You have influenced their lives in such a positive way; I am so proud of you all. We absolutely can’t wait until you come home, and can tell us even more details and show us more pictures of your trip. What an adventure!

Safe traveling,

Kim and Morten