Monday, June 30, 2008

We're Back from the Volcano!

We had a great weekend visiting the Arenal volcano (Liz, loved your comments - didn't realize how up to date you are on Costa Rican volcanoes ;-).

We arrived at night after a 4 hour drive through some seriously crazy rush hour traffic in San Jose and pouring rain - throw in some fog, winding roads, enough potholes to bounce-through for a lifetime..well at least we arrived safely.  I wasn't driving, we hired a driver which is common here.

Here' is the view of the volcano from our balcony:

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We didn't know it was even there until the rain stopped and the clouds lifted around 10AM...although we did hear it soon after our arrival, it is rumbling all the time - a little creepy considering how close we were to it.  I also have some video of it erupting a couple of times - just throwing some smoke and ash into the sky - no lava!

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The photo above was taken on one of the "hanging bridges" they have at one of the parks we visited.  It was a beautiful morning and our hotel was a short walk from the park that was a dense rainforest full of tons of wildlife!

Here's a couple of animals we came across - a poison dart frog (that Luke promptly tried to catch and pick up - doh!) and a viper snake that is one of the most poisonous in the world, except when you catch it napping on a leaf then - no problema:

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I haven't even shared what we did on Saturday - which was the canopy lines high in the trees.  It was really fun, except when we were attacked by "stinging" (it felt like stinging but was only biting or clawing) flies that decided to attack Luke as he stood on a platform over a hunderd feet above the jungle floor...waiting for his turn...needless to say it was a bit crazy...I'll share pictures and more details later - got to get some lunch now!


Unknown said...

I can't wait for the photos!
We'll miss you at Panera's tomorrow! Maybe by next meeting you'll have a web photo gallery we can all ooooh and awe about!
Be safe and tell the boys the reptiles stay in Costa Rica! (chuckle)
Take care,

Moster Lotte said...

Hej der,

Orv, hvor er det spændende - jeg kan lige se magnetismen imellem Luke og krybene....gys. Kommer til at tænke på Indiana Jones når vi ser jer på hængebroen... Vi håber I har billeder med hjem til jul.
Det er rigtig givende, men også hårdt at arbejde med udsatte børn. Man må sige til sig selv at man ikke kan redde dem, men måske gøre en forskel for nogen og bidrage med noget positivt i den tid man er sammen med dem som de måske kan bruge senere i deres liv... Vi glæder os til at høre mere detaljeret om jeres oplevelser med børnene! Store knus og varme tanker fra The Rasborg's ,)

Anonymous said...

We are having withdrawls without you! Luke looks a bit tired-how are the boys holding up? When do you return? All is well here-loving your updates and glad the poisonous things are well behaved so far!
love, lisa

Anonymous said...

Holy cow I can't believe you saw a poisonous snake!?! I would have freaked!!! : O