Thursday, June 26, 2008

The children at the foster home

We have finished our third day at the foster home and today I found myself crying as I was holding a slightly retarded boy in my arms as I was trying to calm him down after being kicked by the other kids. He held on to me so tight and I could feel his heart beats. He is 11 years old but curled up in my lap like a little boy. I cried because I was thinking of the fact that in just one more week God only knows who will hold and help him through these tough times. Because he is faced with another abadonment when we leave.  This goes with all the kids at the home who are the sweetes things.

Knowing about their backgrounds have been super helpful when solving conflicts and understanding their behaviors.
One kid (one year and nine months)was found at the doorstep of the home, he was close to death and weighed only 3.8 kg. He could not even lift his head and had only coffee in his baby bottle. He was all skin and bones and had to spend three months in the hospital. At age three he fould finally lift his head. Today he is nine and has never said a word. We know he was abused, which makes it difficult for him to defecate.


Unknown said...

This post brought tears to my eyes.
It always amazes me or should I say sickens me that people are capable of abusing other people-- whether they be old or young.
If you think you don't make a difference by helping for only two weeks.. think again. You will tell people of what you have experienced.. you will spread the word that help is needed. For the short time you are there, you will make a difference by your kindness and understanding. The lives you touch will be affected. They will know that kindness and understanding exists... even in adults.
Take heart!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with us, we sometimes need to pop the bubble that we live in...and take time to reach out. I agree with Dory, your kindness will touch the hearts of these young people and let them know that the world has not forgotten them.
What a wonderful life lesson you are giving to your own children (even though part of the lesson can be so cruel)
Take Care,
Marla :)

Å og B said...

Hej alle, det er en prøve.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dory and Marla..... you're helping share the good of the world and giving hope to these kids that need you so much. You're also giving such a gift to Jakob and Lukey, teaching them compassion and that even though they are young, they have so much to offer others and they will carry that for the rest of their lives. I admire you so much, Chris and Stine... you are so loving and kind. I can't imagine how hard it will be for you to leave.

Anonymous said...

Jeg tager hatten af for det I goer! Det goer ondt i mig at laese det og jeg kan kun proeve at forstille mig hvordan I maa ha det, specialt med tanker som hvem holder de arme boern om en uge naa I ik' laengere er der, som I sagde det "endnu en der svigter". Men det maa I ik' taenke, det er utroligt hvad I goer og uden nogle som jer hvor ville de saa vaere...?
